Computer Use Policy

The school unit provides computers, networks and Internet access to support the educational mission of the schools and to enhance the curriculum and learning opportunities for students.  The Board believes that the resources available through the Internet are of significant value in the learning process and preparing students for future success. 

At the same time, the unregulated availability of information and communication on the Internet requires that schools establish reasonable controls for lawful, efficient and appropriate use of this technology. This includes the use, permission and protection of RSU 26 in the application of GAFE (Google Apps for Education), social media and compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Student use of school computers, networks and Internet services is a privilege not a right. Students are required to comply with policy and the accompanying rules.  Students in violation may have their computer privileges revoked and may also be subject to further disciplinary and/or legal action.

All school unit computers remain under the control, supervision, and ownership of the school unit.  The school unit reserves the right to monitor all student computer and Internet activity.  Students have no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers.

While reasonable precautions will be taken to supervise student use of the Internet, the school unit cannot reasonably prevent all inappropriate uses, including access to objectionable materials and communication with persons outside of the school, in violation of Board policies/procedures and school rules.  The school unit is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information that students obtain through the Internet.

Before students in grades 6-12 are allowed to use school computers and Internet services, the student and the student’s parent/guardian must sign and return the Computer/Internet Use Acknowledgement annually.  The signed acknowledgment will be retained by the school. Devices for grades K-5 will remain within the building and students will review a Computer and Internet User Guidelines document with their homeroom teacher.

You can complete the Acceptable Use Agreement Form here:

22/23 Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement